Discover the Joy of Doing Nothing

Zen teacher Pat Enkyo O’Hara teaches us the practice of Shikantaza. Doing nothing but sitting and breathing, we rest in flowing awareness beyond the...

Is Happiness Really All Relative?

Happiness.... The most sought-after experience that human society is striving to achieve, is still an underestimated and untapped experience beyond the reach of the majority. ...

20 Sadhguru Quotes That Perfectly Explain Your Life Journey

As a well-known spiritual leader, yogi, and author, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is recognized for his wise teachings. Spirituality is the basis of everything he...

How to Heal Your Broken Heart When It Literally Feels Impossible

One of the unavoidable downsides of being a human being (besides, y'know, paying bills and working through summers) is going through a breakup. No...

Researchers Debunk “Evil Stepmother” Myth In New Study

Fairytales and fable tend to paint stepmothers in a negative light, portraying them as wicked and hurtful. In the classic story, Cinderella’s evil stepmother...

Bedtime Yoga for Beginners: How to Start

A good night’s sleep is crucial for your health, productivity, and overall well-being. Did you know that bedtime yoga can help you get a...

How to Channel Your Soul Through Automatic Writing

Do you want to discover a simple, quick, safe, and powerful way to connect with your Soul? One of the best techniques out there is...

What Is Ghee, and How Do I Use It?

Ghee (or, clarified butter) seems to find its way onto every paleo and Whole30 shopping list, but it’s not new in lots of cuisines....
Surrogacy Ohio

How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in Ohio and What Are Its...

In modern conditions, mankind has faced many problems that lead to infertility or deterioration in the health of a woman who is unable to...

If You’ve Lost Hope In Love, Don’t Try To Change Your...

You get ghosted. You are told it’s over. You have another one-sided text conversation on your phone, going nowhere. You’re emotionally bruised from a...