Tech’s Biggest Leaps From the Last 10 Years, and Why They...
As we enter our third decade in the 21st century, it seems appropriate to reflect on the ways technology developed and note the breakthroughs...
Does Air Pollution Increase Depression and Suicide?
A growing body of evidence suggests that air pollution is harmful to mental as well as physical health. Now, the first review of studies linking...
‘Organic’ Label Doesn’t Mean a Holiday Ham Was From a Happy...
This holiday season, Americans will buy some 20 million turkeys and 300 million pounds of ham. Some of these turkeys and hams will be certified...
15 Unique Holiday Foods From Around the World
Food is the cornerstone of the holiday season. It brings friends and family together to share memories, cultural traditions, and great flavors. From figgy pudding...
New Battery Lets Electric Cars Go 200 Miles on a 10-Minute...
Electric vehicles could decarbonize one of the most polluting sectors of our economy, but they’re bedeviled by one major problem: range anxiety. A new...
In the 17th Century, Leibniz Dreamed of a Machine That Could...
The machine would use an “alphabet of human thoughts” and rules to combine them Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in front of pages from his...
Got An Overheating Planet? Plant 1 Trillion Trees. Problem Solved
“Trees Are Cool,” reads a popular bumper sticker. That phrase has at least two possible meanings, and researchers have just added another pertinent interpretation....
People Are Keeping Parasitic Leeches as Pets, And Letting Them Drink...
To the disgust of many of our readers, we recently discovered that keeping leeches as pets is actually a thing. And yeah, it's certainly… a...
The 15 Best Foods to Eat After Running
By Gavin Van De Walle, MS, RD Whether you enjoy running recreationally, competitively, or as part of your overall wellness goals, it's a great way...
Germany Proposes ‘Meat Tax’ To Curb Climate Change And Improve Animal...
Germany, the country which is known for dishes such as bratwurst and schnitzel, may soon implement a meat tax to curb carbon emissions and...