10 Terrific Benefits of a Morning Meditation Practice

If you feel like the day has already peaked by the time you’ve gotten out of bed, you’re not alone. It’s easy to feel...

A Practice for Cultivating Moment-to-Moment Gratitude

The practice of mindfulness involves paying attention, and noticing whatever arises in your field of awareness, moment to moment. It can be helpful to...

Nose Tip Gazing Benefits

Nose gazing is one of the techniques in Yoga and it is known as nasikagra drishti. Here is a look at the benefits of...
Two Tricks for Would-Be Meditators

Two Tricks for Would-Be Meditators

Meditators Tricks I’ve carved out time and space in my home for Meditators Tricks. But, I still find it so easy to avoid it! Are...

Story – How Avadhuta Learned The Value of Concentration?

Success in any sphere of life is impossible without concentration. There are several stories in Hinduism extolling the importance of concentration. In this particular...

Sacred Geometry Is Literally Everywhere — Here’s Where To Look &...

Learning the fundamentals of sacred geometry can deepen our understand of the world we live in and the natural laws that govern it. Here's...

Spiritual Meditation: 11 Ways to Enlighten Your Mind

Spiritual meditation is different from mainstream meditation in that it focuses on connecting with something greater and deeper than ourselves. Normal meditation – the kind you read about in...

Try a Self-Compassion Break

A sense of interconnectedness is central to self-compassion. It’s recognizing that all humans are flawed works-in-progress, that everyone fails, makes mistakes, and experiences hardship...
Things That You Need To Know Before You Go On A Meditation Retreat

Things That You Need To Know Before You Go On A...

Things That You Need To Know Before You Go On A Meditation Retreat 1.) Who’s the Teacher? Because of the huge range of teachers and retreats,...

Yoga For Improving Memory and Concentration

Intelligence, memory, and concentration are human traits that are highly valued and sought after. There are various yogic techniques that stimulate the brain and...