Help Your Friends Overcome Negativity

Help Your Friends Overcome Negativity

Negativity is an unavoidable part of human nature. It may come in different forms, such as being “realistic,” and it might come from people...

A Practice for Cultivating Moment-to-Moment Gratitude

The practice of mindfulness involves paying attention, and noticing whatever arises in your field of awareness, moment to moment. It can be helpful to...

What to Do When Thoughts Arise While Meditating

The mind often wanders in meditation—and it’s normal. Elisha Goldstein, psychologist and founder of the Mindful Living Collective, explores how to deal with both...

5 Stress-Reducing Herbal Teas

Stress. Just hearing that word can conjure up feelings of anxiety. Life offers many stressors simply during day-to-day events. School, work, health issues, busy...

Higher Self: 11 Ways to Connect With Your Soul

What is the Higher Self? The Higher Self is your True Nature: it is your wise, unconditionally loving, creative, Whole, and eternal inner Center.Deep down, we...
12 Amazing Quotes From Zen Masters That Will Help You To Stop Overthinking

12 Amazing Quotes From Zen Masters That Will Help You to...

Do you experience a racing mind, where thoughts are overpowering you and you’re having trouble finding peace in the present moment? This happens to me...

20 Quotes to Remember If You Have Shame

Shame is a vulnerable feeling that can lead to a detrimental mindset and lifestyle. Inspirational quotes can help individuals let go of self-blame, fostering...

13 Myths About Psychotherapy That Were Never True

If you’re struggling with mental health issues, you may have decided to try psychotherapy. But what if your friends and family have some strange...
Control Your Anger - Before It Controls You

Control Your Anger – Before It Controls You

Control Your Anger - Before It Controls You This story will remind you to stay in control. When you speak out of anger, you will...

7 Ways to Discover Peace In A Crazy World

As life goes on, many of us just want to discover our peace in this crazy world. We look around at all the misfortune...