Time I Am

“Time I am” echoes in the air as we breathe into the end of another year We can fool ourselves that we are in control Until we...

5 Positive Things to Say to Someone Who’s Depressed

If you know someone who is suffering from depression, here are 5 positive things to say to them and 4 things you should never...

Scientists Reveal How Attention Training Can Fix Negative Emotions

Without training, most humans are quite bad at paying attention. So, do you want to prove this to yourself? All you need to do is sit...

Psychology Explains 5 Techniques to Let Go of Control

Sometimes you just have to let go. We would all like to think that we have some amount of control over our lives. For...

Genes, Psyche and Soma

Part of learning to love ourselves is appreciating our own miraculous body, not just externally, but what is much more interesting and truly awesome...
emotional recognition technology

Emotional Recognition Technology on the Horizon

Emotional Recognition Technology Emotion recognition technology is about much more than machine learning looking at an image of your face. We can learn a great...
The 10 Rules of Change

The 10 Rules of Change

The 10 Rules of Change Self-change is tough, but it's not impossible, nor does it have to be traumatic, according to change expert Stan Goldberg, Ph.D. Here,...
Top Ways To Boost Your Psychic Powers

Top Ways To Boost Your Psychic Powers

What’s the benefit of developing your sixth sense? Tuning in to the voice of your own soul and becoming more receptive to guidance from...
How To Trust Your Intuition Like A Psychic

How To Trust Your Intuition Like A Psychic

People often ask me how I gather the information I give to clients during psychic readings. The key is utilizing the four main avenues...
Social Anxiety

Great Solutions On How To Deal With Social Anxiety

Everybody has felt slightly anxious or awkward feelings going into an event or social situation at some point. Perhaps we learn this uncomfortable feeling...