Story – Saraswati Protecting Sage Vasistha – Sage Vishwamitra Cursing Saraswati...
There is an interesting story that connects Sage Vasistha and Sage Vishwamitra. Both these sages had difference of opinion and this often resulted in...
The Metaphysics of Self Power
Discover the building blocks of Self Power and refuse to be the victim. The Metaphysical Aspects of Self Power Power is a broad reference to the...
More Yokes for More Folks
The Buddha told a famous story about a blind turtle and a golden yoke to illustrate how rare the chance to discover the dharma...
Healthy Self or No Self?
Modern psychology encourages us to have a healthy sense of self, but Buddhism teaches that the self doesn’t even exist. Barry Magid says there’s...
Abstract Thinking and Self-Reflection In Human Beings Explained in Hindu Scriptures
Brahman projected this universe—first cosmic, then organic—at various levels of evolution. However, he was not satisfied with all these animals, serpents, fishes, trees, etc....
Why Practice of Self Control Is Essential For a Blissful Life?
Words told by elders, teachers, or some respectable personality, should be always remembered, to keep the thought processes and moods positive. Elders must have told...
15 Signs Your Partner Is An Enlightened Soul
What does it mean to be enlightened? Exact definitions vary, but the general idea is the same: that an enlightened person is someone who...
Atikaya in Ramayana – Son of Ravana Mandodari
Atikaya was the son of Ravana and Mandodari. He was the younger brother of Indrajit. Atikaya was extremely powerful. He was a great devotee of...
The Surprising Relevance of Sanskrit for Today
Through the timeless wisdom of Sanskrit, we can redefine, clarify, and realize new meanings, which can have a powerful and positive impact on our...
Nandhikeswarar Nandi guardian deity of Kailasa
Nandi is the guardian of Kailasa, the abode of Lord Shiva and also he serves as the mount to Lord Shiva. Almost in all...