Higher Self: 11 Ways to Connect With Your Soul

What is the Higher Self? The Higher Self is your True Nature: it is your wise, unconditionally loving, creative, Whole, and eternal inner Center.Deep down, we...

What Happens Spiritually When You Sleep With Someone

You may think that sleep with someone and spirituality have nothing to do with each other. Still, if you understand the relationship between the...

When Spirituality and Diet Culture Collide

In this commentary from non-diet dietician Jenna Hollenstein, she shares why we need to stop battling our basic biology as a means to overcome...

Sexual Transmutation: 5 Ways to Channel Sexual Energy

Sex. It’s the driving force of nature, the energetic core of life. From the pollination of plants to the biological urge to reproduce in animals...

How This Trippy Breathing Technique Is Used To Explore The Subconscious

To an outsider, that room in Costa Rica probably looked like the scene of a midday slumber party. Half of our group of 16...

Robot Priests – A Blessing or a Curse for Mankind’s Spirituality?

Have you met Mindar? He, she or it is a remarkable android – a robot priest, reciting sermons and teaching its congregation the basics...

A Simple But Profound Truth – We Are The Atman

The truth that we are the Atman is very simple. Swami Vivekananda says that the greatest truths are the simplest things in the world....

11 Warning Signs You’re Practicing Spiritual Materialism

Let’s be real for a moment. There comes a time when our spiritual practices harm us more than help us. Yet most of us are so...

Does Spirituality Have a Role in Managing Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders can have a crippling effect on quality of life, and with the number of sufferers on the rise – the Anxiety and...

How To Work With Internal Triggers on the Spiritual Path

There’s no doubt about it, no way of avoiding it, when you step onto the spiritual path you’re going to get triggered by events,...