Five Benefits of Cardamom for the Health Conscious

It may not be as popular worldwide as ginger, cinnamon and the other heavyweights of the spice world, but cardamom has earned a special...

15 Anemia Symptoms to Never Ignore

Anemia is the world’s most common blood disorder. It affects about three million people in the US and over 1.6 billion people in the...

8 Surprising Benefits of Sauerkraut (Plus How to Make It)

Sauerkraut is a type of fermented cabbage with major health benefits. It's thought to have originated in China more than 2,000 years ago. Back then,...

7 Calming Scents To Soothe Your Senses & Help You Unwind,...

Everyone has their own go-to methods to unwind after a long, busy day. For some, it's a few evening stretches or a walk around...
beauty tips girls

7 Beauty Tips Every Girl Needs to Know About

Ladies, let's face it - being a girl is tough. From mastering the art of winged eyeliner to avoiding the dreaded cakey foundation look,...
scalp rejuvenation

Benefits Of Pep Factor On Hair Loss And Scalp Rejuvenation

There is a reason why we consider our hair our crowning glory, not only because it is on the top of our head but...

How Probiotics Can Be Good for Your Brain

Your body is home to roughly 40 trillion bacteria, most of which reside in your gut and don't cause any health problems. In fact, scientists...
elderly patient

Elderly Patient Care Tips for Nurses

As the population ages, the number of elderly patients requiring care increases. As a nurse, providing quality care to this patient population is one...

Do You Have Cataracts? 5 Symptoms to Look For

For those with normal vision, the eyes’ lenses are clear. For those that suffer from cataracts, however, that clearness makes way for a form...

The Dark Side of Social Media: How It’s Affecting Our Mental...

Social media has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, allowing us to connect with others, stay informed, and share our experiences. While...