healthy hair skin

Top 5 Natural Ways To Get Healthy-Looking Skin And Hair

“Beauty is about enhancing what you have. Let yourself shine through!” -Janelle Monet. Factors such as rising pollution, stress, and chaotic lifestyle affects your skin...

What Is The Future Of The CBD Industry In The Coming...

Technology has taught us to be quick. With the boom of science and technology, the 21st century has made us communicative and fast. The pandemic...

Yogi Explains What Happens to Your Body When You Do Yoga...

Yoga is an exercise that dates back for thousands of years and continually gains popularity as time goes on. It is a technique that...
longevity and strength

7 tips to improve your longevity and strength

The secret to a long life is good health, undoubtedly. While it may seem easy to say in shape and feel energetic all day...
non surgical rhinoplasty

5-Minute Non Surgical Rhinoplasty

Many years ago, if you wanted to have a smaller, smoother, or straighter nose, you had no other option but to have rhinoplasty. Surgery...

Should You Practice Yoga When Sick?

The winter months are synonymous with the flu season, stuffy noses, sore throats, and nasal congestion. Yet, it’s possible that your immune system fails...

How to Choose the Right Running Shoes to Prevent Bad Knees?

Do you feel that regular runs can hurt your knees? Many suffer from runner’s knee, which causes shooting pain that lingers in the knee...

Walking Barefoot Can Improve Your Health And There Is Science To...

“Earthing” also known as walking barefoot, to the laymen, has transformed from a playful trend to a scientific practice with a plethora of health...

7 Calming Scents To Soothe Your Senses & Help You Unwind,...

Everyone has their own go-to methods to unwind after a long, busy day. For some, it's a few evening stretches or a walk around...

10 Healthy Reasons to Try Plant-Based Coconut Milk

Even if you’ve never had a carton of coconut milk in your refrigerator, you’ve probably tasted it without realizing it. It’s a staple in...