Life Promises You Should Make To Yourself

Life Promises You Should Make To Yourself

1. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them. 2. To be enthusiastic about the success of others as you are...
pilates exercise

What’s all the Fuss Over Pilates Exercise?

The Pilates Exercise It's is a 70-year-old exercise technique first developed by German immigrant, Joseph Pilates. Only recently has it migrated from its long-held position...

How microbes in ‘starter cultures’ make fermented sausage tasty

Microbes in "starter cultures" impart a distinctive tang and longer shelf life to food like sourdough bread, yogurt and kimchi through the process of...

A New Relationship Between Death & Well-Being Is Emerging

One of 12 Health & Wellness trends that will shape 2020. More often than not, we only talk about death when we have to—when it's happening to...

20 Quotes to Read When You Need an Emotional Cleanse

There will be times in your life when you feel like you need an emotional cleanse. When you face problems or struggle emotionally, it...

How The 7 Chakra Colors Can Help You Feel & Heal

Chakras are the body's energy centers. The main seven chakras run up the spinal cord—beginning at the base of the spine and ending at...
Avocado Mask Recipes

Avocado Mask Recipes

The avocado face mask is a haven of skin benefits, but we knew that already, didn’t we? Ever since humankind first discovered the wonders...
Crystals stones

Best Crystals & Stones For Healing (And How To Use Them)

Individuals who are open to the meanings associated with crystals and stones can experience a powerful energetic effect when interacting with these materials. Learn...

Does MSG Cause Headaches?

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a controversial food additive that's used to enhance the flavor of dishes, especially in Asian cuisine. Although the Food and Drug...

How to be happy – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

How to be happy – introduction Is your life passing you by? Are you so focused on your dreams that you are forgetting to enjoy...