yoga quotes

181 Yoga Quotes from the Masters

Top Yoga Quotes That Will Make Your Life More Awesome We have come up with a list of yoga quotes that will help to lead you...
Healing Quotes

201 Healing Quotes to Lighten your Heart

Healing Quotes This collection of healing quotes can help lighten your heart, ease your mind and will bring a dose of comfort to your soul....
43 Inspiring Yoga Facebook pages for you to check out

43 Inspiring Yoga Facebook pages for you to check out

Yoga has become an extremely popular form of exercise and meditation around the world. It is an essential key to healthy living and one’s...
yoga poses

7 Yoga Poses For Back And Neck Pain

We all know that yoga is great for flexibility, but did you know that certain yoga poses can help with neck and back pain? If you have back...
Smile is priceless

Your Smile is Priceless

A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. Nobody cares if you're really miserable so you might as well be happy because your...
This Is Where My Car Broke Down

This Is Where My Car Broke Down

Approach To Life's Biggest Choices "In the 1990s", "Vicki and I lived in Las Vegas for two years. Nearly everyone in Las Vegas, we discovered, comes from somewhere...
Causes Of Black Toenails

Causes Of Black Toenails

Many runners are familiar with the black toenail. The condition involves bruising, blistering or bleeding beneath the nail from repetitive trauma, either of the...

Find the Balance Between Your Feminine and Masculine Energy

Sun and moon. Light and dark. Day and night. Inhale and exhale. There are binaries that exist in nature. They are each essential and...
Get In Shape Without Exercise

Hack: Get In Shape Without Exercise

If you’re on the quest to lose weight, you’re probably tired of hearing about exercise. Every piece of advice you receive is likely laced...
Chi Cycle 24 hour chinese body clock

The Amazing 24 hour Chinese Body Clock

Chinese Body Clock Living is an art but nobody teaches us this. There’s plenty of instructions for everything from assembling an Ikea bookshelf to learning...