5 Stress-Reducing Herbal Teas

Stress. Just hearing that word can conjure up feelings of anxiety. Life offers many stressors simply during day-to-day events. School, work, health issues, busy...

How to Use Affirmations to Transform Your Life Story

The story you tell yourself about who you are and what you can do shapes your reality. Here are some powerful ways in which...

Psychologist Explains Why the Pursuit of Happiness Is Most Important

pursuit of happiness How important is the pursuit of happiness, according to psychologists? When Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence, he and our founders insisted...

9 Reasons You Should Never Ignore Your Gut Instinct

Have you ever felt a firm but seemingly illogical pull in your heart or your stomach towards a particular option, decision, or action? Commonly...

If You’ve Lost Hope In Love, Don’t Try To Change Your...

You get ghosted. You are told it’s over. You have another one-sided text conversation on your phone, going nowhere. You’re emotionally bruised from a...

Being Single: 3 Tips on How Experience Happiness and Enjoy Being...

“Some people have no problem being single. They love independence and solitude, and even if they crave love, they are willing to wait for...

Am I Married to a Narcissist? 16 Revealing Signs from Your...

am i Married to a Narcissist Saying “I do” felt like one of the best decisions of your life. Your marriage hasn’t been easy, leaving...

The BASICS of Mindful Eating

How often do you sit down to eat with no screens and when you’re not on the move? Lynn Rossy shares how slowing down...

Activate Your Intuitive Gifts With This Ancient Healing Technique

You've heard of intuition, and you've probably also heard of reiki, but you may have never considered how these two things can work together....
cards table

Slots Not on Gamstop for Casino Players

Nowadays, more and more people play casino games. Gaming is a way to have fun for some players. For others, it is a way...