4 Things You Can Do to Reclaim Your Youth
Once you start noticing little changes in your appearance, it’s natural to feel like your age has caught up to you. Perhaps it’s how...
6 Simple Things You Can Do for Your Health and Well-being...
We’ve all experienced headaches and sore throats for seemingly unknown reasons. Our typical reaction to them is to ignore them. However, we don’t always...
Tips for Staying Healthy with a Busy Schedule
Taking time for yourself might be at the bottom of your priority list when you have a busy schedule. Managing work and family together...
7 Calming Scents To Soothe Your Senses & Help You Unwind,...
Everyone has their own go-to methods to unwind after a long, busy day. For some, it's a few evening stretches or a walk around...
10 Ways Drinking Alcohol Harms Your Mental Health
Drinking alcohol is a coping skill used by many to help ease their emotional pain. Though it has a depressive effect and sedates the...
Does drinking coffee help you live longer?
Is it safe to guzzle coffee all day for this goal? Americans drink an estimated 517 million cups of coffee every day, according to the...
Breathe in, Breathe Out: 19 Essential Oils for Anxiety
Ah, aromatherapy. Some folks think there’s nothing a date with an essential oil *can’t* cure. Others are skeptical — “A few drops of oil...
7 Beauty Benefits Of Castor Oil For Eyes You Need To...
Introduction Castor oil comes from the castor plant (Ricinus communis). Castor oil is ancient oil going back to Biblical times. Read Jonah 4:6-7. The plant Jonah sat...
Five Natural Detoxifiers for a Healthy Year
Whether you’re looking for a post-holiday, winter hibernation fix-up or a year-round wellness solution, you can enhance the natural detoxification system of your body....
Walking Barefoot Can Improve Your Health And There Is Science To...
“Earthing” also known as walking barefoot, to the laymen, has transformed from a playful trend to a scientific practice with a plethora of health...