15 Cellulite Treatments to Smooth Your Skin

As the old song says, “Baby’s got back.” The only problem is that if you have a nice backside, then you probably have some...

Breathe in, Breathe Out: 19 Essential Oils for Anxiety

Ah, aromatherapy. Some folks think there’s nothing a date with an essential oil *can’t* cure. Others are skeptical — “A few drops of oil...

The Scientifically-Proven Way to De-Stress in Just Minutes a Day

We have great news! You don't have to go to a spa or take a yoga class to de-stress. In fact, there is a...

Edible Flowers Brighten Your Plate and Expand Your Palate

Flowers aren’t just for pots and vases, but plates too! Curious chefs and home cooks have extended familiar menus to incorporate newer flavors like...

Kundalini Yoga: Definition, History, and Cautions

Kundalini yoga was coined, created and popularized in 1968 by Yogi Bhajan. He described the intent of his teaching to be a “healthy, happy,...
bicycle accident

Tips To Handle A Bicycle Accident During A Holiday

A holiday promises good times as you get a break from the routine to relax and rejuvenate. Imagine sleeping until late, relaxing on the...

Four Top Reasons to Love Watermelon

The ultimate summer fruit is ripe for the picking when it comes to a wealth of health benefits. More than just a refreshing dessert...
health food

What Should you Eat After Bariatric Surgery?

Undergoing bariatric surgery is a major health event that comes with both risks and benefits. For the surgery to be successful, you need to take...
Castor Oil For Eyes

7 Beauty Benefits Of Castor Oil For Eyes You Need To...

Introduction Castor oil comes from the castor plant (Ricinus communis). Castor oil is ancient oil going back to Biblical times. Read Jonah 4:6-7. The plant Jonah sat...

Real Happiness Is Built Into Our Innermost Selves

Real Happiness Is Built Into Our Innermost Selves – an excerpt from article titled ‘Mini Sermons To Myself’ by I.S. Madugula in 2021 issue...