feet nails

Toenail Fungus: What are the Effective Ways to Cure the Problem?

Toenail fungus is also known as onychomycosis which begins as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your toenail. It is caused...

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment. We have a tendency to exaggerate in our daily life. We exaggerate watching television, we hang out on social media...

How to Practice Dream Yoga

When you develop lucidity in your dreams, you develop lucidity in your life. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche on the practice of dream yoga. We spend roughly...

Benefits of Vaseline For Eyelashes

Benefits of Vaseline For Eyelashes. Who would not like to have long, leafy eyelashes? The eyelashes are an essential area of ​​our face since,...
no stress

4 Alternative ways to deal with daily stressors

Stress isn’t always a bad thing. It is necessary to have some of it in our lives in order to motivate us to overcome...

11 Tips for Forgiving Yourself When Regret Gets the Best of...

You know that knotted feeling that’s partly in your stomach, partly in your chest, and partly in a location you just can’t name? The...

Psychology Explains 5 Techniques to Let Go of Control

Sometimes you just have to let go. We would all like to think that we have some amount of control over our lives. For...
well being

Everyday Things That Are Actually Good For Your Overall Well Being

Overall well-being is linked with healthy eating, regular exercising, and quality sleep. All these things are a part of a healthy lifestyle and ensure...
Staying Fit With Workouts That Are Gentle On Your Joints

Staying Fit With Workouts That Are Gentle On Your Joints

A lot of us, especially as we age, complain about joint discomfort and pain. Let’s face it, our joints just get creakier and creakier...

Mantra 101: Definition, Types, Benefits and Powers

We typically think yoga is a physical practice that involves various poses and breathing techniques. Did you know that the mindful repetition of a...