What Harry Potter can (and can’t) teach us about economics

A new paper in Oxford Open Economics, published by Oxford University Press, explores "Potterian economics"—the economics of the world of J.K. Rawling's Harry Potter...

The World Is Not an Illusion

One of the biggest myths about spirituality is that it reveals the world to be an illusion. According to the myth, when we “wake up” or...

Sacred Geometry Is Literally Everywhere — Here’s Where To Look &...

Learning the fundamentals of sacred geometry can deepen our understand of the world we live in and the natural laws that govern it. Here's...

10 wild theories about the universe

Why is the universe the way it is? Over the years, scientists have explored many ideas to explain our cosmos and its future. Here...

How Your Environment Influences Infertility

Fertility issues are on the rise, and new literature points to ways that your environment may be part of the problem. We've rounded up...

COVID-19 a perfect storm for conspiracy theories

As the global count of COVID-19 infections heads towards the 20M mark, the pandemic has created what the World Health Organisation calls an 'infodemic,"...

5 Signs Negative Energy At Home Is Making You Sick

When people think about illness or sickness, they don’t usually take the energy of the home into account. It’s a valid lack of thought....

Study Suggest Your Phone Could Be 10x Dirtier Than A Toilet...

Think of anything, absolutely anything that you use on your body. It either goes for wash afterward or gets thrown or is washed away....

Physicist Believes Parallel Universes Exist And That We May Soon Explore Them

Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll believes that parallel universes exist, and says that humans may be able to travel between them fairly soon. Carroll first...

Teacher evaluations weed out low-performing teachers in urban schools

New research finds that as education policy has shifted, post-No Child Left Behind and as a result of Race to the Top (RTTT), the...