Spiritual Attraction: The Secret to Finding a Soul Mate

Finding a soul mate that you feel a strong connection with at all levels (spiritual, emotional, intellectual, physical and relational) is a gift from...

Death Of Child – How To Overcome Grief?

The death of only son or daughter is the worst kind of loss on earth. It is inconsolable. The father and mother will not...

Ego Teachings – Sri Ramakrishna Teachings On Ego

A collection of teachings on ego by Sri Ramakrishna, Ego alone the cause of bondage Sir, why are we bound like this? Why don’t we...

15 Signs Your Partner Is An Enlightened Soul

What does it mean to be enlightened? Exact definitions vary, but the general idea is the same: that an enlightened person is someone who...

Make Your Weakness a Strength

It is hard to accept a weakness whether it's physical or not. This boy has never considered being handicapped as a weakness. This is a...

Fifteen Ways To Understanding The Nature of Mind

In the process of realizing the self, the role of the mind is vital. It is also very difficult to understand the mind. Therefore,...

20 Inspirational Quotes To Feed the Soul of a Free Spirit

A person with a free spirit possesses a soul that can never be tamed. While society places certain expectations on us, these non-conformists are...

Spiritual but Not Religious? Why Spiritual Wellness Does Not Depend on...

What was on your New Year resolution list as 2020 arrived? Exercise more? Eat better? Lose weight? Travel? Sure – but would it surprise...

Higher Self: 11 Ways to Connect With Your Soul

What is the Higher Self? The Higher Self is your True Nature: it is your wise, unconditionally loving, creative, Whole, and eternal inner Center.Deep down, we...

Is There a Heaven for Animals?

I sometimes say animals are closer to God than humans. They are closer to the source. Humans are more lost in mind forms. Being...