tips healthier home

5 Tips For A Healthier Home

The coziness of your linen-draped bed, the lively green indoor plants, and the warm hues of your walls – all make your home a...

10 Reasons for Switching to Vegetarian Food

Millions of people in the past several decades have switched to eating vegetarian food due to health, environmental, and animal welfare concerns. Some feel...
physical fitness

The Lifelong Benefits of Physical Fitness

Stop procrastinating and start exercising! The benefits of physical fitness are too great to ignore. By Heidi Tyline King Medically Reviewed by Niya Jones, MD, MPH What's The Best...

Sore Throat Chakra? Here Are 10 Ways to Find Some Healing...

If you’ve ever popped into a yoga class, you’ve probably heard about chakras — focal points in the body that have connections to certain...
5 Simple Things You Can Do To Boost Your Metabolism

5 Simple Things You Can Do To Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism’ is a word that we hear mentioned often in relation to weight loss, but what is it, really? Your metabolism is all of...
Develop An Abundance Mindset

Develop An Abundance Mindset

It is certainly no secret that mindset can radically affect the course of your life. Overwhelming research on mindset shows that the way you...

Doctors Reveal 12 Proven Benefits of Pomegranate

Pomegranates are fruit categorized as a berry. Each piece of this fruit has a diameter of about 2-5 inches, is round and red, and...

Top 10 Biggest Myths in ‘Alternative’ Nutrition

Nutrition affects everyone, and there are many approaches and beliefs about what's best. Even with evidence to support them, mainstream and alternative practitioners often disagree...

7 Things To Keep In Mind While Using CBD Gummies For...

Introduction When you're looking to manage your blood sugar levels and cholesterol, it's important to remember that the best way to do so is while...

My Partner Snores, but This Made Me Not Kill Him

I’m sure plenty of you have been in my shoes: You meet this great person, start dating, and fall for each other — only...