Conch Symbolism in Hindu Religion

Conch is of great importance in Hindu Religion and it is mentioned in Mahabharata, Ramayana, Puranas and other Hindu scriptures. The main symbolism of...

A Simple Exercise For When You’re Struggling To See Your Own...

"I'm not good enough." I hear some form of this from every one of my clients, including my very wealthy and famous clients. Most people...

Is Your Family Dysfunctional? Your Partner Sees It

Why fresh eyes can be crucial in identifying longstanding family dynamics. In Lisa Jewel’s novel The House We Grew Up In, main character Rory braces himself...

Karma and Bhakti

Karma means action, work or deed.  In simple terms, If a person does good things in his life, we can say he has done...

10 Signs You’re Not A Hopeless Romantic, You’re A Masochist

There isn’t a lot I wouldn’t do for love, but sometimes I wonder if I’m truly a Ride or Die or just attracted to...

Mahatma Gandhi Thoughts On God – Quotes On Concept Of God...

A collection of quotes and thoughts on the concept of God by Mahatma Gandhi. There are certain things which are self-proved and certain which are...

Do open relationships really work?

Open relationships typically describe couples in which the partners have agreed on sexual activity with someone other than their primary romantic partner, while maintaining...

Story Of Ganesha And Demon Analasur – Durva Grass

Story of Ganesha, demon Analasur and durva grass is found in the Puranas. When ignorance overcomes divinity, asur thinks himself to be the most powerful....

I’m Over My Ex, So Why Am I Jealous Of His...

Even when you know that your breakup was the right decision and you’ve happily moved on, it can be painful to discover that your...

New Battery Lets Electric Cars Go 200 Miles on a 10-Minute...

Electric vehicles could decarbonize one of the most polluting sectors of our economy, but they’re bedeviled by one major problem: range anxiety. A new...