What Is Ghee, and How Do I Use It?
Ghee (or, clarified butter) seems to find its way onto every paleo and Whole30 shopping list, but it’s not new in lots of cuisines....
Daily Activities that May Cause Lower Back Pain
The way you carry your bag, how you sit at work or even your driving position can affect your back. And there are others...
The Dangers of Leaving Spider Veins Untreated
Spider veins are actually more dangerous than people consider them to be. They can not only affect your appearance but also end up causing...
A Primer on Traditional Chinese Medicine: What It Is and What...
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is becoming mainstream. People now see how Western medicine is all about dealing with worst-case scenarios while TCM is all...
The #1 Thing People Get Wrong about Bioidentical Hormone
Many women want an alternative to traditional treatments for menopause. They choose bioidentical hormone therapy. When people's hormones get out of whack, they seek hormone...
How online therapy is changing the game for mental health
The days of going to a therapist and sitting in a chair are long gone. These days, talking to a therapist is as easy...
The Reason Why People Who Underwent Scalp Micropigmentation Should Avoid Sun...
Prolonged sun exposure is not good for your skin. This fact is equally applicable for a scalp that has undergone micropigmentation. This article will...
How Your Environment Influences Infertility
Fertility issues are on the rise, and new literature points to ways that your environment may be part of the problem. We've rounded up...
Yerba Mate: The Ethical and Healthier Alternative to Coffee
For a quick and easy pick-me-up, many in the West turn to coffee. Yes, that brown liquid that comes from roasted coffee beans. With...
How to Choose the Right Running Shoes to Prevent Bad Knees?
Do you feel that regular runs can hurt your knees? Many suffer from runner’s knee, which causes shooting pain that lingers in the knee...